Huwebes, Setyembre 27, 2012


Contact:  Adam Brandley                                                                                                                                      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel: 801/951-0420


The Pledge Portal Gives the First $250 to Every Business Project!

Bucking the trend of crowdfunding sites that do little more than provide a place where people can donate, The Pledge Portal focuses their efforts on ensuring that every posted company has the best chance possible of obtaining their capital goal. One way they do that is by providing the initial capital gift of $250.

Entrepreneurs that have been unsuccessful in previous attempts to obtain capital often find success with crowdfunding sites. On these pledge portals, business owners can receive capital in the form of donations. They are not loans and participants do not acquire a percentage of the business. 

Beginning August, 2012, The Pledge Portal opened its doors to the general public. The new website provides a platform where business owners can request the financial support of their friends, family members, social contacts and the general public. Visitors to the website can become Pledge Partners by contributing to business projects. Pledge Partners receive gifts of appreciation from the entrepreneurs known as Pledge Perks.

Currently there are two businesses posted on the website. One is from Joe and Don Mundo. They would like to create a TV reality series based on the life of Arizona Cowboys. The other is from Marcela Ferrinha. She would like to purchase ingredients and acquire a larger kitchen for her Brazilian Chocolate company. The goal is to have hundreds of business projects posted at all times.

There are various differences between The Pledge Portal and other successful crowdfunding sites. Besides donating the first $250 to each posting company, The Pledge Portal provides business executives who walk entrepreneurs through the posting process, helping them create their video and put together their story so that visitors to their pledge page will be motivated enough to contribute to their project. The Pledge Portal also invests in entrepreneurs by providing search engine and social media marketing to advertise online for business owners who are seeking to raise capital. This increases the chance for each project to be funded.

Unlike other pledge portal sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rocket Hub, Start Some Good and over four hundred others, The Pledge Portal is the only crowdfunding site that works closely with entrepreneurs and business owners to significantly increase their probability of achieving the capital they need to succeed.

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For more information about pledge portals and crowd funding, or to talk with a business executive, please call Adam Brandley at 801/951-0420 or email The Pledge Portal at

Biyernes, Abril 6, 2012

How You Can Write a Book ASAP

Today we give you some advice from professional authors on how you can write a book. To get Garrett Pierson’s book on writing and full writing system, visit

Carl Zimmer
Author of A Planet of Viruses, The Tangled Bankand Brain Cuttings
  1. Do as much research as possible away from the Internet — with living people, in real places.
  2. Be ready to organize vast amounts of data. Use a wall, or software like Scrivener.
  3. Be ready to amputate entire chapters. It will be painful.
David Shenk
Author of The Forgetting and The Genius in All of Us
  1. Make it great, no matter how long it takes. There’s no such thing as too many drafts. There’s no such thing as too much time spent. A great book can last forever. A great book can change a person’s life. A mediocre book is just commerce.
  2. Get feedback — oodles of it. Along the way, show pieces of your book to lots of people — different types of people. Ply them with wine and beg them for candor. Find out what’s missing, what’s being misinterpreted, what isn’t convincing, what’s falling flat. This doesn’t mean you take every suggestion or write the book by committee. But this process will allow marrying your necessarily-precious vision with how people will actually react. I find that invaluable.
  3. Let some of you come through. You’re obviously not writing a memoir here, but this book is still partly about you — the world you see, the way you think, the experiences you have with people. Readers are interested in who you are. So don’t be afraid to let bits and pieces of your personality and even life details seep into the text
Cory Doctorow
Author of With a Little Help, For the Win, Makers, and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
  1. Write every day. Anything you do every day gets easier. If you’re insanely busy, make the amount that you write every day small but do it every day.
  2. Write even when the mood isn’t right. Sometimes you can’t tell if what you’re writing is good or bad while you’re writing it.
  3. Write when you think the book sucks and it isn’t going anywhere. Just keep writing. Your conscious is having a panic attack because it doesn’t believe your subconscious knows what it’s doing.
  4. Stop in the middle of a sentence, leaving a rough edge for you to start from the next day — that way, you can write three or five words without being “creative” and before you know it, you’re writing.
There are other recommendations that can help you learn how you can write a book.
Ask an author in your area about his or her suggestions. Most writers, like these mentioned above, love to share tales of their journey from want-to-be author to author.
Get Garrett Pierson, author of How to Write a Book ASAP to coach you. He has a book and an entire program that will take you step-by-step through the challenges of authorship.
Write. It is only by doing that we learn how to do. It is only by consistent practice and dedication to the art of writing that we can become a respected author.

Rhino Support – The Easiest Online Support Software on the Planet

Have you ever wanted to purchase a new product for your company that you knew would help you and your staff be more productive and provide better service to your customers – but you were hesitant to buy it because of the inordinate amount of time you felt it would take to learn how to use it?

Well, you might think that learning how to navigate a new online support software system would be difficult. But in the case of Rhino Support – The Easiest Online Support Software on the Planet, you would be wrong.

Rhino Support provides users with a short video that explains everything. One of the key benefits of this system is that they intentionally left out all of the extra, hard-to-understand, difficult to maneuver products that only a handful of companies use anyway. Their support system is concise, easy to install on your website, and simple to manage.

Here are some other benefits of using Rhino Support: 

It effectively manages all of your support correspondence so you always know what's going on. If you can work with Outlook and Google, you will be able to use this software.

The support software is 100% web-based, so there's nothing to install on your computer and you don't need any special hosting or coding skills. You simply copy and paste code onto your website and Rhino Support will contact you when online visitors need your support team. Your account is available no matter where you log in from because it is web-based. 

Unlike other support software, with Rhino Support’s full and multi-platinum plans, there is no limit to how many support staff can use it. In fact their monthly service charge is often lower for unlimited users than it is for competitors who allow just one user.

Not online can you have an entire support staff work your support program instead of just one person, but with Rhino Support’s multi-platinum plan you can manage more than just one website. As a special bonus, the help desk application can also be completely branded with your company logo. As far as your customers know, the support system is yours. 

With Rhino Support – The Easiest Online Support Software on the Planet, your support center can literally be up and running in 30 seconds!

Communicating with Customers: Best Practices


It used to be that the BBB was the only place you could go to gripe about a product, service or company that you felt wasn’t treating you right. In today's digital age, there's no way of knowing exactly where a customer will choose to complain. 

From social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to user-review sites such as Yelp and of course, the Better Business Bureau, consumers can go wherever they would like to voice their opinion.

Consider the case of Comcast, whose employees are authorized to use Twitter to communicate with customers. "It shows the public that you're listening," says Morgan, who encourages employees to take advantage of these public forums and post responses on message boards.

Of course, direct communication is always the ideal, and if a customer's contact information is given, the issue should be dealt with on a personal basis. Customer service software like Rhino Support ensures that no complaint goes unnoticed. Once a complaint is entered, the company has the opportunity to answer and resolve the issue even before often irate customers have the chance to post their discontent.

Many professionals suggest that once the complaint is resolved, it's worth asking the customer to rate and review their experience with the company using online rating and review software such as Shopper Approved.

When drafting a written statement to respond to a customer's concern, the same basic rules apply as when talking to a customer over the phone or face-to-face. Start out with something positive, and be sure to thank the customer for bringing the problem to your attention. Answer politely and affirmatively and, if the situation merits it, ask appropriate questions that will help to investigate exactly where the service went sour, how to smooth things over with the customer and, just as important, how to prevent the problem from reoccurring.

Pay careful attention to the tone of your letter. If you find that the little hairs on the back of your neck are standing up, or you're clinching your jaw as you write the email, it's probably worth your while to have a colleague edit the document before sending it. It could save a customer. 

Another great idea is to create previously ‘canned’ responses for basic, specific issues. These ensure that service representatives don’t take the complaints personally and write something that they or the company might later regret.

Also, when possible, always follow up written correspondence with verbal communication. Provide the best way(s) for the customer to get in touch with you. The better your follow-up, the more serious your troubleshooting efforts will appear to the customer, which increases the likelihood that they will continue to use your product or service. 

Lunes, Marso 19, 2012

Simply Janine's: Does Baby Dental Care Prevent Future Cavities?

Simply Janine's: Does Baby Dental Care Prevent Future Cavities?:   New parents have one more reason to pay attention to the oral health of their toothless babies. The University of Illinois rece...

Does Baby Dental Care Prevent Future Cavities?

New parents have one more reason to pay attention to the oral health of their toothless babies. The University of Illinois recently completed a study that confirms the presence of bacteria associated with early childhood caries (ECC) in infant saliva, making baby dental care critical.

ECC is a dangerous form of caries, more commonly known as tooth decay or a cavity. Cavities are the most prevalent infectious disease among children residing in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

One of the lead researchers of the University, Kelly Swanson, confirmed that, "By the time children reach kindergarten, 40 percent of them have dental cavities. In addition, populations who are of low socioeconomic status, who consume a diet high in sugar and whose mothers have low education levels, are 32 times more likely to have this disease.

"We now recognize that the ‘window of infectivity,’ which was thought to occur between 19 and 33 months of age years ago, really occurs at a much younger age. Minimizing snacks and drinks with fermentable sugars and wiping the gums of babies without teeth, as suggested by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, are important practices for new parents to follow when it comes to baby dental care."

The study suggests that with breast-fed babies, mothers who eat foods high in fermentable sugars can pass those sugars on to their children. That’s why the practice of wiping the child’s gums after feeding as proposed by the AAPD is so important.

So does consistent oral care for babies really prevent cavities for when they are older? Researchers concluded that it does. If you perform consistent oral care on your children starting at birth, they will have fewer cavities as adults. 

However, when it comes to taking care of your baby’s dental care, you want to make sure that you are using the very best dentists you can. You want professionals that are going to be tender and caring and who know exactly what they are doing. Online dental directory sites can help you find the top dentists in your area.

Website Hosting For Five Dollars a Month

My friend Braden is trying to start his own online business at a cheap price too. He has lots of dreams and goals of what he wants to accomplish, but trying to get everything done is taking up all of his time and money. I hated seeing him struggle through trying to get started online, because he just had no idea that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get started online. 

I started my online business with less than $200 and he was talking about taking out a $10,000 loan to get started! That is ridiculous and unnecessary and believe it or not, happens every day. 

The first step to getting him on track was to show him “Just 5 Bucks Hosting.” It is this awesome hosting company that helps you start hosting your own website for just five dollars a month. There is simply no reason to get in debt to start a successful online business. 

I showed him how he can host his own domain name and design his own website at an extremely low cost. Not to mention, Just 5 Bucks Hosting makes it easy to set up templates, photos, pricing, and information for your website. I had no previous computer or website experience, but with website hosting for less than five dollars a month, I was able to make a professional website. 

Web hosting shouldn’t be the main spending area of your online business; it should be one of your least expensive expenses. Just 5 Bucks Hosting will host your website and provide access to website templates like Wordpress and many other services that are included in the fee. That means that if you have a $200 monthly budget, you still have $195 left for marketing, employees, better products, etc. 

Braden had no idea what he was doing when he first started his online business. But now, thanks to me, he knows that he can get started online for less than $200 and host his website for less than five bucks a month! I let him know though that if he was still interested in taking out that $10,000 loan that he could host the site with Just 5 Bucks Hosting for ten years and still not even spend a thousand!