Huwebes, Setyembre 27, 2012


Contact:  Adam Brandley                                                                                                                                      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel: 801/951-0420


The Pledge Portal Gives the First $250 to Every Business Project!

Bucking the trend of crowdfunding sites that do little more than provide a place where people can donate, The Pledge Portal focuses their efforts on ensuring that every posted company has the best chance possible of obtaining their capital goal. One way they do that is by providing the initial capital gift of $250.

Entrepreneurs that have been unsuccessful in previous attempts to obtain capital often find success with crowdfunding sites. On these pledge portals, business owners can receive capital in the form of donations. They are not loans and participants do not acquire a percentage of the business. 

Beginning August, 2012, The Pledge Portal opened its doors to the general public. The new website provides a platform where business owners can request the financial support of their friends, family members, social contacts and the general public. Visitors to the website can become Pledge Partners by contributing to business projects. Pledge Partners receive gifts of appreciation from the entrepreneurs known as Pledge Perks.

Currently there are two businesses posted on the website. One is from Joe and Don Mundo. They would like to create a TV reality series based on the life of Arizona Cowboys. The other is from Marcela Ferrinha. She would like to purchase ingredients and acquire a larger kitchen for her Brazilian Chocolate company. The goal is to have hundreds of business projects posted at all times.

There are various differences between The Pledge Portal and other successful crowdfunding sites. Besides donating the first $250 to each posting company, The Pledge Portal provides business executives who walk entrepreneurs through the posting process, helping them create their video and put together their story so that visitors to their pledge page will be motivated enough to contribute to their project. The Pledge Portal also invests in entrepreneurs by providing search engine and social media marketing to advertise online for business owners who are seeking to raise capital. This increases the chance for each project to be funded.

Unlike other pledge portal sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rocket Hub, Start Some Good and over four hundred others, The Pledge Portal is the only crowdfunding site that works closely with entrepreneurs and business owners to significantly increase their probability of achieving the capital they need to succeed.

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For more information about pledge portals and crowd funding, or to talk with a business executive, please call Adam Brandley at 801/951-0420 or email The Pledge Portal at

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