Lunes, Marso 19, 2012

Simply Janine's: Does Baby Dental Care Prevent Future Cavities?

Simply Janine's: Does Baby Dental Care Prevent Future Cavities?:   New parents have one more reason to pay attention to the oral health of their toothless babies. The University of Illinois rece...

Does Baby Dental Care Prevent Future Cavities?

New parents have one more reason to pay attention to the oral health of their toothless babies. The University of Illinois recently completed a study that confirms the presence of bacteria associated with early childhood caries (ECC) in infant saliva, making baby dental care critical.

ECC is a dangerous form of caries, more commonly known as tooth decay or a cavity. Cavities are the most prevalent infectious disease among children residing in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

One of the lead researchers of the University, Kelly Swanson, confirmed that, "By the time children reach kindergarten, 40 percent of them have dental cavities. In addition, populations who are of low socioeconomic status, who consume a diet high in sugar and whose mothers have low education levels, are 32 times more likely to have this disease.

"We now recognize that the ‘window of infectivity,’ which was thought to occur between 19 and 33 months of age years ago, really occurs at a much younger age. Minimizing snacks and drinks with fermentable sugars and wiping the gums of babies without teeth, as suggested by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, are important practices for new parents to follow when it comes to baby dental care."

The study suggests that with breast-fed babies, mothers who eat foods high in fermentable sugars can pass those sugars on to their children. That’s why the practice of wiping the child’s gums after feeding as proposed by the AAPD is so important.

So does consistent oral care for babies really prevent cavities for when they are older? Researchers concluded that it does. If you perform consistent oral care on your children starting at birth, they will have fewer cavities as adults. 

However, when it comes to taking care of your baby’s dental care, you want to make sure that you are using the very best dentists you can. You want professionals that are going to be tender and caring and who know exactly what they are doing. Online dental directory sites can help you find the top dentists in your area.

Website Hosting For Five Dollars a Month

My friend Braden is trying to start his own online business at a cheap price too. He has lots of dreams and goals of what he wants to accomplish, but trying to get everything done is taking up all of his time and money. I hated seeing him struggle through trying to get started online, because he just had no idea that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get started online. 

I started my online business with less than $200 and he was talking about taking out a $10,000 loan to get started! That is ridiculous and unnecessary and believe it or not, happens every day. 

The first step to getting him on track was to show him “Just 5 Bucks Hosting.” It is this awesome hosting company that helps you start hosting your own website for just five dollars a month. There is simply no reason to get in debt to start a successful online business. 

I showed him how he can host his own domain name and design his own website at an extremely low cost. Not to mention, Just 5 Bucks Hosting makes it easy to set up templates, photos, pricing, and information for your website. I had no previous computer or website experience, but with website hosting for less than five dollars a month, I was able to make a professional website. 

Web hosting shouldn’t be the main spending area of your online business; it should be one of your least expensive expenses. Just 5 Bucks Hosting will host your website and provide access to website templates like Wordpress and many other services that are included in the fee. That means that if you have a $200 monthly budget, you still have $195 left for marketing, employees, better products, etc. 

Braden had no idea what he was doing when he first started his online business. But now, thanks to me, he knows that he can get started online for less than $200 and host his website for less than five bucks a month! I let him know though that if he was still interested in taking out that $10,000 loan that he could host the site with Just 5 Bucks Hosting for ten years and still not even spend a thousand!

Linggo, Marso 18, 2012

Replacement for Cell Phone Cracks

This year was finally the year I was able to upgrade my ghetto flip phone into a smart phone. I was so excited to be able to have a data plan, internet access, unlimited calling and texting! I wanted to see if I could purchase it somewhere cheaper than in the actual outlet stores. I looked at a few online cellular phone directories and ended up getting the Android Incredible II phone with Verizon. 

I, however, wasn’t as intelligent as my new smart phone because when it came, I didn’t buy a case to protect it. I used it without a case because I was so excited to have it. Then one day it happened. I dropped my brand new Droid! 

It was a sincerely depressing moment. Phones really shouldn’t mean as much to us as they do. My brand new phone now had a crack all across the screen and I would have to get it replaced. Luckily the crack was below the screen cover so I couldn’t feel it, though I could still see it. I knew that if I didn’t replace my cell phone screen soon the crack would just get worse and I’d have to replace the whole phone. 

So I went into a Verizon store and asked how much it would be to replace it. The lady told me that the minimum price it would cost to replace the crack in the cell phone screen would be $100. My crack wasn’t even that bad! 

I went back online to a cellular phone shop and purchased the case, a holder and a blue-tooth ear-piece for my phone. I made sure that they would be delivered before my phone was repaired. 

Of course there is no guarantee that I won’t drop it again. But this time, it will be protected.

Earwig Evacuation—Pest Control

Creepy Earwig Removal

My father and I both hate earwigs. I don’t know what it is about them, but earwigs are just nasty, creepy little bugs. It’s as if they are little aliens, who know that all they have to do is crawl inside your ear to kill you. I don’t even know what would happen to me if they did get in my ear, and I never want to find out. I hate earwigs more than I hate snakes and rats. 

When you see an earwig in your home, kill it. If you find a whole bunch of them, get a pest control professional to remove the earwigs as soon as possible.  

Birds will eat pests like earwigs and help take care of the problem naturally if there aren’t hundreds of them in your yard or garden. But when earwigs are in your house, you’ve got to terminate them yourself.

Earwigs like lots of moisture. The last time I saw one in a home, it was in the bathroom. They enjoy living and breeding in areas that are moist. Take away this moisture and they will either die or move on to another location. So if you have a leaky faucet or pipe, fix it.

If the earwig problem is outside, and birds aren’t doing their job, you can use something called food grade diatomaceous earth to take care of earwig infestations. It is important to get the food grade version of this and not the pool grade, which is not made for pest control. It will kill and dehydrate earwigs.

Besides sprinkling this in your garden and around the foundation of your home, you can also dust it inside your house along baseboards,. The best part about this product is that it will work against a wide variety of pests, not just earwigs. Also, the diatomaceous earth is fairly inexpensive.

Earwig evacuation is often difficult and time consuming and sometimes it doesn’t even work. This is why we recommend hiring professional pest control companies to help with your creepy earwig removal.  

Don’t make yourself suffer. Earwigs should not be in your home. If it was up to me, their species would have been terminated a long time ago! I mean really, what purpose could they possibly serve? If you find a group of them roaming around in your home, call a pest and animal control company immediately and permanently evacuate every earwig you can.