Linggo, Marso 18, 2012

Earwig Evacuation—Pest Control

Creepy Earwig Removal

My father and I both hate earwigs. I don’t know what it is about them, but earwigs are just nasty, creepy little bugs. It’s as if they are little aliens, who know that all they have to do is crawl inside your ear to kill you. I don’t even know what would happen to me if they did get in my ear, and I never want to find out. I hate earwigs more than I hate snakes and rats. 

When you see an earwig in your home, kill it. If you find a whole bunch of them, get a pest control professional to remove the earwigs as soon as possible.  

Birds will eat pests like earwigs and help take care of the problem naturally if there aren’t hundreds of them in your yard or garden. But when earwigs are in your house, you’ve got to terminate them yourself.

Earwigs like lots of moisture. The last time I saw one in a home, it was in the bathroom. They enjoy living and breeding in areas that are moist. Take away this moisture and they will either die or move on to another location. So if you have a leaky faucet or pipe, fix it.

If the earwig problem is outside, and birds aren’t doing their job, you can use something called food grade diatomaceous earth to take care of earwig infestations. It is important to get the food grade version of this and not the pool grade, which is not made for pest control. It will kill and dehydrate earwigs.

Besides sprinkling this in your garden and around the foundation of your home, you can also dust it inside your house along baseboards,. The best part about this product is that it will work against a wide variety of pests, not just earwigs. Also, the diatomaceous earth is fairly inexpensive.

Earwig evacuation is often difficult and time consuming and sometimes it doesn’t even work. This is why we recommend hiring professional pest control companies to help with your creepy earwig removal.  

Don’t make yourself suffer. Earwigs should not be in your home. If it was up to me, their species would have been terminated a long time ago! I mean really, what purpose could they possibly serve? If you find a group of them roaming around in your home, call a pest and animal control company immediately and permanently evacuate every earwig you can.

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